Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My first cycling experience in Cambridge...

I am very proud and RELIEVED to report that I successfully cycled to my Department this morning without any collisions with buses, cars, other cyclists, or pedestrians. It really was quite the feat for me!

I do, however, think that my gears (I only have 3) might be stuck. Luckily it's the lowest one (well, whichever one is the hardest to pedal with) and there are not many hills to pedal up. We'll see.

Anyway, I have my induction for my MPhil programme in 10 minutes. It supposedly lasts 6.5 hours. Ah yes, my academic obligations begin. So, I will have to cycle home in the dark. Wish me luck!

PS- I promise to put pictures up as soon as I get my computer charged up again-- hopefully tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done you!!!!!