Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My first Cambridge bike...

I just bought my new bike-- you know, my latest (and nearly only)form of transportation in Cambridge. Aside from the standard questions that you ask other new students (called "Freshers") you meet here such as-- "What course are you studying?" and "Where do you live?"-- the next logical question is "Did you get a cycle (bike) yet?" I'm proud to say that my bike is what I consider to be a traditional Cambridge bike-- old style with a wicker basket. Sadly, it is harder to ride than mountain bikes that we are accustomed to in Seattle especially when you put something in the basket-- the weight in the front completely throws me off!

Oddly enough, I feel that procuring my bike today has been more exciting than buying my first car in Seattle. Truly one of my many rites of passages in which I will take part as I become official member of Cambridge University.

PS- St. John's College is the greatest college in the whole of the University!!!-- I am told that I must embody this belief. I've heard that Johnians are known an elitist bunch.

1 comment:

El JoPe Magnifico said...

I am told that I must embody this belief. I've heard that Johnians are known an elitist bunch.

Just as long as you don't come home an elitist. =P